Monthly Archives: November 2009

So it finally happened…


My fear got realised yesterday.

I went tumbling down a flight of stairs last night… IN HEELS!!

It was fight night and my friends were hosting a party at their crib.  So right after the match ended, i asked my pal to take me outside so that i could go and check on my car (you know how it is when you visit your friends who live in hood-ish areas).

So we start making our way down these steep stairs that they have. After the third stair, he tells me,” make sure you don’t fall…”

Whilst he was still talking, i started laughing and then i missed a step and… off i went!! I thought that i was going to stop halfway if i tried to break the fall… boy was i wrong!! I made it to the bottom of the steps and yes, they were that many!!

My friend came and helped me up apologizing profusely, asking if i was okay. He checked me to see if i has broken any teeth and limbs. Thankfully, i hadn’t. Then everybody in the living room came rushing to see what had happened since the tumble was THAT loud!!

We both walked out and went to the car so that i can change into my flats.  He walked me back into the house and i refused to let go of his arm until we were safely back in the kitchen. Yes, i had to go back up those same darn steps!!

I got an ice-pack and nursed the bruise of my hand, little did i know that i had major bruises in other parts of my body that i couldn’t feel at that moment.

After that, i was in no mood to party so after a few minutes of mingling, i went over to the guy’s bed and blacked out. When i woke up today morning, the combination of body aches and a hangover (courtesy of 3 homemade stiff screwdrivers) had me cussing at the thought of the long commute awaiting me.

I finally made it home safe, seeing that i was flying down the highway and took a shower to access everything. My left side is all battered up 😦

I have a huge bruise-the size of a cup coaster on top of my thigh, a scraped knee, a bruised elbow, leg and foot. My chin also has a bruise.

So as i sit here nursing myself slowly back to health, i have learned a valuable lesson… falling down the steps for anyone over the age of 25, is not cool.

And P/S:  my 3.5 inch heels survived! 🙂


Posted by on November 15, 2009 in Rehab, Sigh


You know what?!

I’m tired!

Tired of feeling guilty… no wait, tired of you making me feel guilty.

I apologised and apologised but it’s like you want to hold it over me, raking me over the coals over and over again…

and i can’t take it anymore!!!!

So now, i’m done because i know that i will never make you happy nor will you ever trust me. I have to move on with my life.

I would have taken you back but written words speak louder than actions.

Hopefully, the next women will make you more happy and secure than i did.


Posted by on November 4, 2009 in Rant, Relationships